Trinity County CAREs

Seeing a need for energetic, nonprofit work in this area, we formed this organization for the purpose of collaboratively using artistic talents to reach the needs of people of our community.

In-Reaching Outreach

We focus on providing opportunities for community members to use artistic talents and interests to maintain their own physical, emotional, and cognitive health while helping underserved community members build self-efficacy, encourage each other and empower those who are not presently able to be self-sufficient.

Trinity County CAREs – Christian Arms Reaching through Empowerment, Education, and Entertainment

While our name includes: “Christian Arms Reaching,” no religious affiliation is required, and there is no preaching.  We simply agree in the teachings of great leaders of compassion, contribution, and brotherly love; our philosophy is based on a universal truth — that we should use our talents for the betterment of ourselves and society.

We are an organization of artists, teachers, and performers who believe that ALL of our county’s citizens deserve opportunities to hope, to believe in their own (possibly-undiscovered) talents and abilities, to participate in restorative practices that improve physical, cognitive, and emotional health, and to be treated with validating dignity that says: “You have something to offer.  You are worthy.  You deserve and can develop for yourself opportunities for joy and personal contribution.  You have a purpose.”

Degas, renowned painter and sculptor of ballerinas in the 1800s, inspires us with his idea that art is not what you see in your own creation.  Rather, it is truly what you inspire others to see of themselves through your art.

Can we count on you?

Are you a visual, performing, or martial artist interested in joining for mutual benefit of yourself and your community? Do you know someone (perhaps a senior, teen, or someone who is currently jobless or homeless) whose life might benefit from being part of our artistic and other philanthropic outreach efforts? Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events and projects.

While Trinity CAREs is not open for face-to-face meetings from the general public at this time due to safety concerns related to the pandemic, we are always available via email and currently seeking like-minded visual, performing, and martial artists who would like to use their talents in outreach projects that benefit several sectors of underserved community members. 

Trinity County CAREs

[email protected]